Archive for December 6, 2010

The Softsynth flavour of the week – Sunday Girl

Posted in Commentary with tags on December 6, 2010 by softsynth

As we’ve noted in the past we enjoy pretty near all forms of electronic music, though our personal tastes tend to run to the dark, the alternative, the murky. Yet sometimes we are struck by a more mainstream electronic artist who can sound every bit as compelling as those in the darker side of the village. Your Little Boots, your Ellie Goulding, your Pet Shop Boys and so forth. When electronic music is made well it matters not if it’s chart pop or the decendent of Einsturzende Neubauten, if it’s good, it’s good. The nicest end-of-year surprise has been the introduction of Jade Williams aka, Sunday Girl. We were mildly curious to learn of the model-like Williams, if not a little cynical, and what a delightful surprise. While we wait for her debut album we’ve been treated to seven recorded songs including her take on three covers (of Laura Brannigan, MGMT and good ‘ol Ke$ha {the last two acoustic takes}and even the latter song works). And there’s not a bad song in the bunch. Aside from a lovely voice her collaborations are paying off in spades.  Continue reading